Alkisah in Africa, a magnificent bull elephant died of old age. For us, it would be a saddening sight...
But for the starving of Zimbabwe, it was little short of a miracle.
The carcass provided a vital source of food, and hundreds of desperate villagers in the Gonarezhou National Park descended on the dead animal within minutes of its discovery.
The carcass provided a vital source of food, and hundreds of desperate villagers in the Gonarezhou National Park descended on the dead animal within minutes of its discovery.

Using machetes, axes and knives made from tin cans they set upon the six-ton carcass, which was found deep in scrubland.

Fights broke out as villagers battled to strip chunks of flesh from the animal and drag them away to feed their families. Semua berebut-rebut nak ambik....
The bones of the 70-year-old animal were taken to boil for soup and within 24 hours nothing was left but a blood-stained patch of earth...

Tulang pun tak tinggal beb... bebayang je yg ade...

Tulang pun tak tinggal beb... bebayang je yg ade...
pepepergh. apela rasa gajah tu agaknye...hmmmmm
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