*pics from google
My partner should feel lucky because I'm not that ridiculous-jealous type. I may be kind of suka berjealous-jealous jugak la kan... but not to the extend of the pic above. At least I dont get jealous when my partner stares at another pretty girl, make a remark on how pretty that girl is, gawkin...bawlin...I'm ok with all that. My partner used to tell me a story about dia punya ex-gf yang kuat sangat jealous sampai dia puji mannequin kat kedai pakai lingerie tu pun gf dia boleh jealous bagai nak rak sampai bergaduh. Ha.....seriously... over betol jealousnya tu sampai nak puji patung pun tak boleh... memang tak masuk akai punye jeles.

Satu lagi form of jealousy adalah yang macam ni...
hahahaha.......ok...posting again after lunch.
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