Bazaar Ramadhan - Participating in SandakanMy trip to Sandakan last year was basically about meeting up Santi's family,
Amanda (my adopted daughter) and witnessing the town's
Bazaar Ramadhan which is basically the highlight of Santi's family, every year. Santi, including her mum and dad wakes up as early as 6 something am to prepare for the food and drinks which will be sold at the
Bazaar Ramadhan around Sandakan's Town Centre. I offered to help on the drinks preparation so Santi assigned me on the
tangy buckets which were the Ice lemon tea and Ice Lime bucket. I had the simple task of cutting lemon and limes and squeezing out the juice, and not forgetting, brewing the tea.
*Bazaar Ramadhan: A lively food bazaar that can be found in many town and cities (in Malaysia) during the fasting month. Basically one can get all the delicacies needed to quest the hunger after fasting the whole day at these bazaar. 
Mama Santi is frying a whole lotta eggs..the fried eggs is an add-on to the fried mee they're selling. (which were so good and tasted different from the usual mee goreng in semenanjung.) They use dry mee kuning cooked in a special seasoned gravy until it reaches the right mee goreng's consistency. I can say it's not oily, it's very simple and definitely yummy!

Inspector Santi inspecting the drink buckets thoroughly before they get carried over to the Bazaar.

left to right: Flavour essence for
cincau, ice milo and air jagung. These 3 drinks required condensed milk, making it the most 'exquisite' compared to others... really? Not so. Of all the 7 drinks,
Vanilla Blue was the bestseller. It's basically blue food colouring mixed with a bit of vanilla essence and alotta sugar and milk. I'm not very fond of it coz to me it tasted rather like liquid antibiotic. I think the best tasting drinks were the tangy ones like Ice lemon tea and lime juice coz i made them! hehehehehe.... (kidding!)

Buckets line-up... oh yes, did i mention that the drinks were sold at RM1 per plastic (in generous litres)?

The road that leads to the Bazaar...
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