Amanda in Wonderland
Amanda's the best part of my Sandakan trip. She's just so fun to be with, adorable and very entertaining. I was so happy when Santi told me to give Amanda a bath. She enjoys being in the water so much that I've no problem giving her a bath. All i did was put her in the wash basin and she'll splish splash while I shampoo her very little hair. Gosh I miss her so much...

This is her comot face after eating chocolate. she made funny faces when I let her taste the chocolate. I got to know later that she's never tasted chocolate before (oops!)coz no one in the house likes chocolate. I guess I've just encouraged her to eat junk food....ngee!

Soon after that she fell asleep. she only take little naps in the afternoon and normally wakes up after 2-3 hours.
There was this one time when she woke up to join us for sahur (imsak) at 3:30 am. It was really funny. We were all eating and suddenly she came crawling and smiling at us. Everyone was so terkejut coz we were all so mamai (half awake) while eating, and she came silently creeping...hhehe.. I guess the smell of mama Santi's fried fish woke her up.
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